Pestalozzi Program Workshop

Competences for democratic Culture in School Practice
workshop hosted by 
National Center for Teacher Professional Development

პროგრამა "პესტალოცი"ს (Pestalozzi Programme), ევროპის კულტურის კონვენციის ფარგლებში ევროსაბჭოს  მიერ განხორციელებული პროფესიული განვითარების ტრენინგ კურსი  „დემოკრატიული კულტურის კომპეტენციები სასკოლო პრაქტიკაში“  (« Competencies for Democratic Culture in School Practice»  ) 

The Pestalozzi Programme is the Council of Europe's training programme for education professionals. It seeks to train
teacher trainers and teachers as well as other education professionals to integrate the principles and values of the
Council of Europe - respect for human rights, diversity and human dignity, the development of a culture of democracy —
in their daily practice. As individuals and as professionals they shall in future act as multipliers for the development of
the transversal attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary for sustainable democratic societies and an appropriate and
effective learner-centred and interactive pedagogy and form a community of practice around the principles and values
of the Council of Europe (

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